Before COVID-19 impacted the world in a permanent way, less than a third of U.S. employees worked remotely. As the virus spread throughout the world, the transition to working remotely 100% of the time shocked the system with an increase of demand from consumers throughout all industries. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic there are business practices that will be here to stay. Working remotely across the states has become the norm here at NOA. Without the overhead costs of maintaining an office, why would we go back? We have seen an improvement in employee productivity, collaboration, and ultimately, client satisfaction as we can better meet their needs.
The necessity of having an online presence has never been more apparent. As many businesses close their physical locations, online shopping and means of doing business has become the go-to standard way of doing things. This has impacted both small mom-and-pop stores to large franchise locations. If you are in a position where you cannot close your brick-and-mortar there is still hope. With the help of a integrated physical & digital workflows, you can continue to provide your goods and services. Many businesses are utilizing curbside pickup, contactless delivery, payment transactions, and reviews and feedback all from a single application.