Access Restrictions & EMR HIPAA Compliance


HIPAA Access Restriction & Role-Based Security

Access restrictions and role-based security are key components for a robust HIPAA compliant website and AI-driven eCommerce platform that maintains legal compliance. It is key to keep a patient's right to privacy by protecting their PHI (protected health information). You must follow HIPAA security best practices with access limitations that are based on user and administrator needs, only allowing access to the information they need to do their job.   

The application itself needs to be formatted to ensure users cannot access information that they should not be able to see. Similarly, administrators should only have access to the information that's relative to their role. Different roles require different data, meaning access should be tailored to their individual needs to satisfy HIPAA compliance requirements. There is not a set implementation plan to handle these sorts of scenarios. However, it's vital to have a plan in place to ensure that someone's access is removed if a covered entity no longer employs them. 

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HIPAA and EHR Integration

EHR integration isn’t something to be taken lightly. Work with a Healthcare app developer with extensive experience satisfying HIPAA security best practices. Click here to get a demo and quote.

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Mastering HIPAA Complexity for Medical Websites, Apps, and Portals

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Detailed Security Rights & Roles

Role-Based Security Configurations

It is typical for role-based systems to be present in HIPAA compliant healthcare portals that allow specific security rights and access capabilities. Of course, this configuration must be set up properly in the first place, and it’s common for these capabilities to not be configured before a healthcare portal is launched. You need to ensure that, while your AI-driven eCommerce platform needs to have the capability for role-based access restrictions, the implementation and maintenance support can be present to help your team follow the proper practices. An experienced healthcare app developer can provide a roadmap for proper compliance.  

It's also important to ensure a plan to maintain and monitor security after it is launched. Security isn't something you can implement and forget. Hackers and bots continue to get more sophisticated and are more likely to find holes in older platforms and apps. Most data breaches occur due to a lack of security updates to HIPAA websites and apps, putting patient PHI at risk.   

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In addition, an essential feature of HIPAA compliant website and platform security rules is that all access to information should be logged. Having detailed record-keeping is important so that you — or HIPAA auditors — can know whenever a change has been made and by whom. You want to know how someone changed the data, what it was before the change, and who had access to it. Logging makes data breaches quicker to resolve because you know exactly who has what information when. 

Changes aren't the only aspect that you must keep track of. HIPAA logging requirements are also vital so that access credentials are logged every time the data is opened. Information theft isn't just about being savvy with code; PHI can be stolen by someone taking a picture of a screen with their smartphone. Finding out if that person should have been accessing the information in the first place can help stop security breaches. 

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Maintain HIPAA Security Best Practices

We’d like to show you what we’ve done for our clients and how we keep security updated after launch. Schedule a demo right here to see what NOA can do for you.

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System and Application Integration

You also need to make sure that any systems or applications combined during EMR integration have similar restrictions. You don't want any APIs to expose private, sensitive data. It's important to put restrictions on users and APIs, data integration tools, and reporting programs. 

Everything in this article — HIPAA logging requirements, EHR integration, HIPAA web hosting — can be challenging for an IT team unfamiliar with the necessary security to follow government requirements. That's why it's so important to include HIPAA security rule requirements from the planning phase when you're looking for EHR integration solutions. This can provide an extra layer of security that employees must adhere to that helps protect patient health information.  

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Ultimately, the best patient portals limit access and provide restrictions to follow HIPAA security best practices. While many security measures are found in nearly any AI-driven eCommerce sales portal, even better security must be implemented to comply with guidelines properly. Failure to use the best HIPAA compliant CRM software could lead to steep fines from the government and lose your customers' loyalty. 

Ultimately, the best patient portals limit access and provide restrictions to follow HIPAA security best practices. While many security measures are found in nearly any AI-driven eCommerce sales portal, you must implement even better security to comply with guidelines properly. Failure to use the best HIPAA compliant CRM software could lead to steep fines from the government and lose your customers' loyalty.   


Experienced Healthcare App Developers

We hope this article has helped you better understand the importance of access restrictions in medical portals, including their use on HIPAA compliant websites and mobile apps. If you’d like additional information, please feel free to reach out to us here at NOA or investigate the resources we have provided below. We have extensive experience with most of the EMR integrations solutions on the market, including Epic integrations, Cerner EHR software, eClinical EHR, and GE EMR

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HIPAA Compliant EMR and EHR

NOA is ready to show you what we can do with EHR / EMR integrations and help guide you in PHI data security use. Contact us for a free demo.

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